

We will not be able to hold our traditional meeting on Thursday, April 2nd, because of Gov. Cuomo's recent lockdown, which prohibits gatherings of people in limited spaces, due to the coronavirus pandemic. We also know that the church where we hold our meetings, is closed to all activities. I regret that this is our new reality, but we must take one day at a time, with patience and our best efforts to maintain daily hope, knowing life will resume in the ways we time. We will have to take this on a month-by-month basis.

Please know that I am thinking about all of you, and hoping you are doing what you can to soothe, sustain and support yourselves during this very uncertain time in our lives. Now is the time to stay connected on a regular basis with good friends, family members and caring neighbors and co-workers. A quick phone call, a comforting text or email, or a notecard of reassurance in the mail can do wonders for someone else who is struggling. If you'd like to talk for awhile with me, my home phone is: (914) 834-0185. Leave me a message and I promise to call back. 

Please take good care. The children, siblings & grandchildren we have lost would want that for us, with the 'forever love' they carry for us, as we will forever carry them in our hearts.

In Friendship,

Dawn Moriwaki (Chapter Leader)